HIPAA Compliance Services
HIPAA Documentation
Required by the HITECH Act under ARRA
Up to date manuals on security policy, disaster recovery, patient privacy policy, and over a dozen more manuals and document sets for your practice, your employees, and your patients.
RiSK ASsessment
Are you in a flood zone? What ports are open on your firewall? How many workstations and mobile devices have access to PHI (protected health information)? These are just a few of the items our IT staff will address, along with more than a hundred additional required questions.
staff training
Regular privacy training of your employees is required
The HIPAA Security Suite includes live training via the internet for your staff. Online training as well as webinar training is also available. A great choice for providers, staff, and business associates.
We can fix what we find
Our staff of HIPAA trained and Microsoft Certified IT experts can make recommendations based upon our findings and implement them if you prefer.
hipaa emergency response team
Suspect a breach? Call us immediately!
Our emergency response team will perform forensics tests to identify if a breach or violation has occurred, what the extent of the exposure may be, and execute the necessary remediation steps to eliminate the threat. At the same time, our HIPAA staff will guide you through the notification requirements.HIPAA AUDIT RESPONSE TEAM
Onsite when you need us most.
In the event of an OCR audit, our HIPAA experts can be onsite to work with the auditors to answer the questions they have regarding the risk assessment and to assist in any technical questions they have.
BACKUP and Disaster recovery
Encrypted, Secure and HIPAA Compliant
Acentec offers state of the art BDR systems. Providing both onsite and co-located remote backups, this delivers a solution that is secure, reliable, and HIPAA compliant. The technology creates a fail over system that keeps your critical operations up and running despite a total server failure.
Support has been the foundation of Acentec’s success since we began.
Acentec understands when you need assistance, you need it to be timely, and it needs to be provided in a knowledgeable and friendly manner. How have we been able to provide best in class support for more than 7 years? Prevention! Using the best technology available, we proactively manage your network and devices, heading off failures and down time in more than 90% of cases.